Soil and Groundwater

In case of suspected contamination on your property or pollutants in your buildings, we will advise you on the necessary investigations.


Soil and Groundwater

 With more than 20 years of experience in the investigation of soil and groundwater contaminations on industrial and commercial sites, we are specialized in all phases of soil and groundwater studies. If any pollution on your property or contaminations in your buildings is suspected we’ll advise you with respect to the necessary investigations, carry out these examinations and submit you a detailed risk assessment. We’ll draw up feasibility studies for remediation measures including the economic implications thereof. We also plan and design those soil and groundwater remediation measures. And of course we can work for you as publicly appointed and sworn expert witness and official qualified experts in accordance with Article 18 Bundesbodenschutzgesetz (German Federal Soil Protection Act).

Our Services at a Glance:

  • Historical Research
  • Execution of soil and groundwater investigation (orientating and detailed    investigations)
  • Risk assessment
  • Feasibility studies
  • Planning and design of soil and groundwater remediation
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Demolition concepts and planning
  • Project management and project monitoring
  • Valuation of provisions
  • Expert services in accordance with Article 18 BBodSchG (SG 2 und 5) (Article 18, German Federal Soil Protection Act,  Subject Areas 2: “Risk assessment for the pathway soil – water”, and 5: “Remediation/ Redevelopment”)
  • Publicly appointed and sworn expert witness
Soil and Groundwater

Locations & Directions

Fürstenwall 172
D - 40217 Duesseldorf
Phone +49 (0) 211 9629 2524 0
Fax +49 (0) 211 9629 2524 9

Locations & Directions

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 135-137
D - 48153 Muenster
Phone +49 (0) 251 777567-11
Fax +49 (0) 251 777567-20